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What You Need To Know About Your Pet First Aid

By sumit952, 4th May 2024

All pet owners are always concerned about the health and wellness of their pets. Some of the owners panic when their pet is hurt or unwell. So here are some important tips and steps you need to take about your pet first aid. This will help you a lot in taking immediate steps at crucial times.

Follow these steps to know About Your Pet First Aid

Don’t panic 

The most important thing you need to know about your pet first aid is to keep yourself calm before doing anything, even in emergencies. Your dog or cat can easily pick up your anxiety and panic as well; this will make the situation even worse. Always keep in mind you should stay calm. This will help your pet to remain calm as well. 


Poisoning can confuse pet owners. Always first read the instructions given on the product label and follow the steps given for people exposed to it. If it is a cleaning product that says wash your skin with water and soap, then wash the skin of your pet without getting any into the eyes, nose, or mouth. And if your pet has consumed any toxic substance, don’t go for a month-to-mouth snout resuscitation, as you may get in trouble yourself. In this situation, call your veterinarian immediately. 

Fracture & Dislocation 

If you detect that your pet has a fracture or broken limb, don’t try to move it. Make your pet comfortable and keep them calm, which will help a lot to treat them well.

Signs and symptoms:

  • Not using the injured leg
  • Protecting the injured part or crying, not playing or eating. 
  • Swelling to the joint or the broken limb. 
  • Bending, twisting, or shortening of the joint. 
  • Difficulty in moving the joint, pain, or stiffness. 

Things to remember:

  • Don’t move the affected area. 
  • Take your pet to the veterinarian immediately on a stretcher or any firm structure and drive safely. 
  • Try to secure your pet with the stretcher if possible but remember, don’t put pressure on the injured part.
  • Don’t try to reposition the broken limb. 
  • Giving support to the affected area will help in minimizing the pain.


Remember, if your pet is choking, the first step is to leave them to it, as animals are very effective at clearing their airways. But it becomes problematic when the animal stops choking or gets unconscious. 

Signs & symptoms:

  • Continuously pawing at the mouth
  • Getting distressed
  • coughing 
  • Excessive salivation
  • Vomiting 


  • If your pet is choking because of a chord or string surrounding their neck, cut them off carefully using scissors. 
  • If your pet has something stuck in its throat and it is visible, try to remove it with the help of your finger carefully without pushing it further. 
  • If you can’t see the object, don’t try to find it by putting your fingers inside your pet’s mouth. This can cause injury and can increase the problem. This will also make the pet restless, and they can harm you as well. In this situation, call your veterinarian immediately or take your pet to the veterinarian’s office. 

Things to remember: 

  • Don’t waste time; take your pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible. 
  • If the pet is collapsing or unconscious, turn your pet against its stomach (paws down, head up) and hold them in this position. Now with a closed fist, try to push the air out at the open spot between the rib cage. Do this 3 to 4 times till you remove the object or reach the veterinarian’s office. This action will help push the air and the object out from behind. 
  • Even if you have successfully removed the foreign object, don’t forget to bring your pet to your veterinarian. This will help to detect if the object has caused any harm or injury to the throat. 

Burn wounds

This is the major problem faced by pet owners. When the pet goes near gas or any warm object, there are high chances of getting burned.

If your pet gets a wound, take first aid steps:

  • Wash the wound with clean water immediately, at least for 10 min or more 
  • Please do not use a bandage that will stick to the affected area to cover it. 
  • Transport your pet to the vet as soon as possible.
  • Don’t touch the wound or burned area with unclean hands; this will cause infection. 

Bleeding (internal / external)

Internal :

  • If you suspect bleeding through your pet’s nose, ears, mouth, or urine, try to keep your pet as warm as possible and immediately go to your vet. 

External :

  • If your pet is bleeding externally, cover the area with a gauze pad and put pressure on your hand, this will help to clot the blood.
  • If the bleeding is severe, use a tourniquet (a device to stop blood flow by compressing a limb with a tight bandage). 
  • Loosen the tourniquet after every 15-20 minutes for 20 min.
  • The important thing to remember for your pet’s first aid is that severe bleeding will be life-threatening; thus, if this situation occurs, it is recommended to approach the veterinarian immediately.

Always remember pet first aid care is no substitute for veterinary treatment. These are the ways to minimize the risk till the pet receives any help or treatment.

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