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Top 5 common behavior problems in Cat

By Sumeetkumar Tripathi, 9th November 2023

Hey, everyone! What‘s up with you all today? As cat parents, we all know that our agile fur babies can be odd. I was all sniffy about our babies’ behavior. Whether your cat sometimes drives you up the wall. However, you’re likely feeling kind of frustrated if you’re unlucky enough to witness cat behavior problems. But it’s very important to know that you’re not alone in this. In a recent check, 77 possessors reported witnessing a common behavior problem in cats. The good news is that our understanding of cat behavior is enhancing snappily, and numerous problems can be cracked with simple changes at home. We’ll look at the top 5 common behavior problems in cat and offer some tried and tested ways to enhance them.

Hoomans, we all know cats play by their rules, but it would be nice to understand some of their common behaviors. Why are they suddenly blacking the waste box? Why is the new lounge so inviting? Why is your glass of water an epicure delicacy? Then, the experts explain common cat behavior problems — and how to fix (utmost of) them.

Below are the top 5 common behavior problems in Cat

1. Scratching

Proper socialization and play are essential when averting aggressive behaviors like scratching and biting. Don’t swat at your cat with your hands or nudge her with your feet, as this teaches her that hands and feet are toys she can attack and bite. It may feel like a cat is scratching your lounge and curtains to irritate you, but they’re really doing it to work off energy, play, mark their home, and get relieved of rasped bits of the claw. Good news “Scratching is easy to help. “So you do not have to settle for raggedy furniture or stop kitty from expressing their natural behavior. To avert scratching damage.

• Give her a scratching post to help her from clawing up the furniture — or your hands.

• Make certain to keep your cat’s claws trimmed; it may seem daunting, but it is easier.

• Turn your cat into a fashion lamella with various claw caps (also called nail caps).

2. Aggression

A cat may get aggressive for various reasons, including illness, overcrowding, lack of socialization, motherly protection, and simple play. Whether your cat is playfully aggressive or showing signs of fearful aggression, picking up to pore her body terminology can help you stop this behavior in its tracks. Remove yourself from the situation if she plays rough and offer her a toy to distract her from attacking you. However, if your cat appears alarmed, repel the desire to follow her. Give her an abundance of room and ensure she has a cat tower or other safe space she can retreat to until she calms down. To help you solve aggression between cats.

• Talk over your cat’s aggression with your vet. Pain and sickness can put anyone in a bad mood, so you will want to rule out any physical causes for the cat’s bad temper before you do anything otherwise.

• You no way want to hit an aggressive cat– it may just lead to further aggression– but you do need to stop a catfight in progress. To do that, swoosh the cats with water, make a loud noise, or toss soft objects at them. You should no way pull apart fighting cats.

• Still, talk to a veterinary behaviorist, who may be competent to help you get to the source of your cat’s aggression. If you or your vet can not figure out why the cat is being unfriendly.

3. Hiding and hissing

However, you should get him to the vet, as it’s possible that pain or illness are causing his signs if this is a change in behavior for your cat. Take care not to get injured while getting him; ask your vet for advice if you’re struggling. However, if the vet rules out medical causes, try the following approaches. 

• If the cat in question is recently adopted. Give your pet space. Do not approach them – ignore them and give them plenty of time to get their comportments. You can sit in the same room as them, but do your own thing, so they can learn you are not scary. Be as calm, unsurprising, and delicate as could be expected.

• Make sure you’re viewed appreciatively – associate your presence with good effects similar as food and play

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4. Cat is spraying urine

Spraying urine is one of the worst cat behavior issues a pet possessor can have. The sheer smell is a real concern for affected cat possessors! Like urination problems, urine marking or spraying generally happens because of stress. The thing that matters is how and where a cat is peeing.

 Urinating outside the casserole still happens on a flat surface, and cats will squatty to pass urine. When marking, cats aim for a vertical surface; their tails will be straight above, frequently wriggling or wobbling. Cats are territorial, and spraying urine is one way to mark their territory. However, they’ll spray further if they get anxious about their home. Then are some tips that can help you stop this behavior. 

• Check that other cats are not entering the house and perturbing your cat – a camera trained on the cat flap might be helpful 

• Close curtains on the ground floor to reduce the chance of bully cats looking in and intimidating your cat. 

• Use pheromone diffusers to help your cat feel more secure in their home 

• Still, neutering him may help him feel less territorial if your cat is not neutered. However, feminine and neutered cats can spray when stressed, which does not always fix the problem.

5. Cat with OCD

Yep, cats can suffer from obsessive diseases too! Any behavior constantly repeated and out of the environment could be considered OCD, but common OCD behaviors in cats include excessive grooming and fabric-chewing. It may be brought about by pressure and nervousness, but it may likewise be acquired as it’s more normal in certain breeds. Occasionally you won’t see your cat over-grooming, but you might notice bald spots or patches of weakening hair on your cat’s back, sides, or belly. So, what can you do? 

• This behavior likely needs a vet or good behaviorist’s input, so a good first step is to talk to your vet. 

• In the meantime, you can work on making your cat’s atmosphere feel safer and more secure to reduce stress and anxiety. 

Hopefully, the prior advice will help you solve your cat’s behavior problems. Remember, abrupt behavior changes can result from a medical problem, so talk to your veterinary squad for help. They will also be good to direct you to a competent cat behaviorist if you need one! 

Hope you guys take good care of yourselves and the kitty.

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