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Selling Chai is Bread and butter for Abu and now for the fur kids – Abu Chai Vala

By rachellambrose, 27th April 2023

Abu Bakar is an ordinary man like us who has a small tea stall to earn his livelihood and fulfil his requirements. But contrary to this, Abu Chai Vala does exceptional work, even wealthy people don’t, as he feeds stray dogs and cats in his surrounding locality.

In this article on talk tails, we are talking about Abu Bakar Chai Vala, an ordinary man with a tremendous heart. Abu is an extreme animal lover; he enjoys feeding them and their presence around him. He feeds many stray cats and dogs in their locality and looks after their medical treatments. Often people in his neighbourhood threaten him as they don’t like animal existence. According to him, why do people object to his job and bother him so much? As they don’t spend their earnings on these animals, Abu himself carries out the whole expense as these animals are his responsibility, and he is responsible to looks after their needs. Individuals even taunt him, but Abu never fights with them and ignores their meaningless talks. This is what we can say is the harsh reality of our society. He also noticed that people kick animals if they don’t want them sitting around, which is inhumane.

Abu usually offers meat, bones, and other stuff, whatever is available in his house, and what he can afford from his end. Despite minimal income, he tries to give proper meals to these furry animals. Animal care is nothing new for him. He has loved animals since childhood; this quality he gained from his grandmother, and his kids are on the same path.

Abu never ignores any sickness of his beloved kids. As soon as he observes any of them suffering from some illness, he immediately moves to the government hospital at Goregaon.

Neither people themselves try to make any effort, nor do they want me to do something for them, said Abu, which is a very harsh mentality.

In the end, Abu gave a vital message to help any animal in trouble or hungry. Feed them, and god will never leave you unhappy. And this is more special than any monetary return.

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