Man with a dog in kerala

Monsoons and Our Furry Friends: A Guide to Safety for Pets and Street Animals

The monsoon season brings a welcome respite from the scorching heat, but it also presents unique challenges for our furry companions, both pets and strays. As responsible pet owners and animal lovers, it’s our duty to ensure their safety and well-being during this time. This blog post will serve as a guide to keeping your pets safe and healthy during the monsoons, while also raising awareness for drivers to be cautious of street animals seeking shelter.

Keeping Your Pets Safe During the Monsoon

  • Shelter from the Storm: Ensure your pet has a clean, dry, and draft-free place to stay during heavy rains. This could be a designated indoor area, a covered porch, or even a crate lined with towels.
  • Adjust Walking Routines: Heavy downpours and strong winds can be frightening for pets. If venturing outdoors is necessary, keep walks short and on leash. Invest in a raincoat or poncho for your pet if needed.
  • Paw Care: Wet pavements can be harsh on your pet’s paws. After walks, wipe their paws with a clean, damp cloth to remove mud and debris. Regularly check for cuts or abrasions that may require veterinary attention.
  • Tick and Flea Prevention: Monsoon season is prime time for these pesky parasites. Maintain your pet’s regular tick and flea medication to prevent infestations and potential diseases.
  • Diet and Hygiene: During the monsoon, adjust your pet’s diet to provide them with the necessary energy to combat the damp and cold. Ensure they have access to clean, fresh water at all times. Regularly clean and dry their bedding to prevent mold growth.

Helping Street Animals During the Monsoon

These forgotten souls face the brunt of the monsoon’s harshness. Here’s how you can make a difference:

  • Create Temporary Shelters: If possible, set up temporary shelters using cardboard boxes lined with waterproof material or utilize existing structures like abandoned sheds to provide them with a dry haven.
  • Offer Food and Water: Leave out dry, unspoiled food in elevated areas away from water accumulation. Keep fresh water bowls in shaded areas and replenish them regularly.
  • Collaborate with Your Community: Spread awareness about the plight of street animals during the monsoon. Encourage your neighbors to contribute towards their well-being.
  • Contact Animal Welfare Organizations: If you encounter a sick or injured stray animal, contact a local animal shelter or rescue organization for immediate assistance.

A Message to Drivers: Check Under Your Vehicle Before Starting

During the monsoon, seeking shelter under parked vehicles becomes a common practice for street animals. Always develop the habit of checking under your car thoroughly before starting the engine. A quick glance or a gentle tap on the hood can potentially save an animal’s life.

Additional Tips:

  • Vaccinations: Ensure your pets are up-to-date on their vaccinations to prevent them from contracting diseases that are more prevalent during the monsoon.
  • Be Patient with Your Pet: Some pets may experience anxiety or fear during thunderstorms. Remain calm and reassuring, providing them with a safe space and comforting presence.
  • Destructive Behavior: Boredom due to limited outdoor time can lead to destructive behavior in pets. Provide them with stimulating toys and activities to keep them mentally engaged.
  • Skin and Ear Infections: The damp environment can lead to skin and ear infections. Regularly dry your pet’s fur after walks, especially around their paws and underbelly. Clean their ears with a vet-recommended solution to prevent moisture build-up.
  • Parasitic Infestations: Ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes thrive during the monsoon. Maintain a regular deworming schedule and use vet-approved tick and flea prevention medication.
  • Leptospirosis: This bacterial disease can spread through contaminated water. Avoid letting your pet drink from puddles and ensure they are vaccinated against leptospirosis.
  • Kennel Cough: This highly contagious respiratory illness spreads easily in close quarters. If you board your pet during the monsoon, ensure the facility maintains proper hygiene and ventilation.


The monsoon season doesn’t have to be a time of worry for our furry friends. With a little preparation, care, and compassion, we can ensure their safety and well-being. By following these tips and spreading awareness about the plight of street animals, we can create a more compassionate and responsible community during this time. Remember, every small act of kindness goes a long way in making a difference for these vulnerable creatures. Let’s work together to ensure a safe and healthy monsoon for all!

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