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Know Why Guru Gobind Singh Ji Kept a Baaj

By Payal Verma, 30th May 2024

We all know that the eagle is considered the king of all birds. The eagle has many rare features that cannot be found in any other bird. And whatever Guru Gobind Singh Ji also said or did in his life, he did it to teach the Sikhs initiated in the Khalsa Panth. In this way, there were many such lessons and secrets that he wanted to tell the people running on the Khalsa Panth, in always having an eagle with him.

In Sikhism, the eagle represents a Khalsa. Guru Gobind Singh Ji believed that all the major characteristics of the eagle should be there in the life of a Khalsa, and he should always follow these symptoms. So let us know the characteristics of an eagle that differentiates them from others when adopted by a Khalsa.

The hawk is a free animal that cannot be kept in captivity. And even if this happens, the eagle will either fly out of the cage somehow or give up his life by staying in the cell. So you cannot make him your slave. This statement by Guru Gobind Singh Ji should also apply to a Khalsa. He should neither lead the life of slavery himself nor inspire his family and members of society to do so.

The eagle is a self-sufficient creature. He hunts himself. Similarly, a Khalsa has also been taught that he should depend on himself. Khalsa is never seen begging in front of anyone. The Khalsa trusts himself because he has the blessings (blessings) and Kripa (grace) of Guru Gobind Singh Ji.

An eagle soars very high in the sky but always keeps its gaze on the ground, which signifies its humility. And the same applies to the education of a Khalsa. The Khalsa can reach the heights of the sky by flying very high through their adventures. But they should always keep their eyes and mind on the ground to keep their attention on their demerits.

The eagle is a Chakravarti creature; it is always in motion and never stays in one place for long. He will build a house, but then he can leave the house and go somewhere else. This also applies to a Khalsa, who should not have much attachment to material things. And he may live in any home or country but never lose his inner identity.

An eagle is always alert and does only what it needs to do. The same education has also been given by Guru Gobind Singh Ji to Khalsa Panthis that they should never be lazy, always be alert, and make good use of their time.

One of the main features of the eagle is that it always flies against the wind, whereas all other birds fly with the wind. This means that the eagle is never afraid of any pressure but maintains the ability to fight against all adversity with courage. The same thing applies completely to a Khalsa as well.

The hawk is fearless; it can fly even animals weighing more than itself in the air when needed. Similarly, Sikhs have been taught the lesson of fearlessness by Guru Gobind Singh Ji. There are many famous stories of the courage and sacrifice of the Khalsa Panthis on the battlefield with the Mughals, which are indicative of their fearless quality.

Due to all these characteristics, the eagle is considered a royal bird. And the same thing can be said for a Khalsa. He is also taught that he is of royal blood, like an eagle. If the father of Khalsa Panths is a Raja Guru Gobind Singh Ji, then every Khalsa, the son/daughter of a king, is born with royal blood in his veins.

Thus a Khalsa should live by following all those qualities of a hawk that his Patshah Guru Gobind Singh Ji acquired in his life.