Why Yudhishthira refused heaven for his dog
Dogs Mythological Tales

Why Yudhishthira refused heaven for his dog

Various animals have contributed to the life of man since ancient times. And there are many such stories in our Puranas in which animals have been shown as companions of gods and goddesses. In the story of Mahabharata also, a dog comes into Yudhishthira’s life and supports Yudhishthira till his ultimate goal. After a few

Top 5 common behavior problems in Cats
Behavioral Cats

Top 5 common behavior problems in Cat

Hey, everyone! What‘s up with you all today? As cat parents, we all know that our agile fur babies can be odd. I was all sniffy about our babies’ behavior. Whether your cat sometimes drives you up the wall. However, you’re likely feeling kind of frustrated if you’re unlucky enough to witness cat behavior problems.

How to introduce a new pet at home
Founder's Desk Lifestyle

How to introduce a new pet at home

Hey, hoomans! Many of you may have questions about introducing a new pet at home. Introducing a new pet at home can be stressful or existing. Pets need time to adjust to a new environment. A pet that is playful and active at the shelter can be scared in a new environment. We can’t predict

Top 5 myths about Rabbits

Top 5 myths about Rabbits

Hello, pet lovers! Today let’s learn more about the cute, chubby pet most of us own, rabbits. Today I’m going to tell you about the myths most of us have about them. Many people have different misconceptions regarding their diet, medical care, etc., but today I will discuss the top 5 myths about rabbits. This

Train your Persian cat: 5 easy tips and tricks
Cats Pet Parenting

Train your Persian cat: 5 easy tips and tricks

There are many tips and tricks to train your gentle cats, so don’t worry about your Persian cats as you know that your Persian cats have their unique personality. They are also a kind of breed that can frustrate you, like scratching the furniture and other stuff, but this will only happen when they are

What you need to know about your pet first aid
Experts Pet Care

What You Need To Know About Your Pet First Aid

All pet owners are always concerned about the health and wellness of their pets. Some of the owners panic when their pet is hurt or unwell. So here are some important tips and steps you need to take about your pet first aid. This will help you a lot in taking immediate steps at crucial

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